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Puppey Preparing For ‘Relegation’ Match Against Kuroky


Puppey keeps his cool during the interview despite the threat of relegation during their game against Kuroky and Nigma Galaxy.

Team Secret only managed to gain one clean victory from their games in Division I of DPC WEU. With these results, Secret is now sitting at the bottom of the table, together with Nigma Galaxy.

Due to these circumstances, Puppey is now one relegation match away against Kuroky and his team, Nigma Galaxy.

However, despite the apparent threat of relegation, Puppey keeps his cool during his winner interview. After beating Into The Breach, Puppey gave a short interview on how things were in Secret after heavy losses.

“We started to realize we’re going to be relegated, and it’s going to be against Kuro.”

Although Puppey explained that he was not a part of the relegation match yet during his time in Dota, he kept it light by joking about having a showmatch for it. He felt the spectacle against Nigma would deserve its own segment and show for the Dota scene.

“We’re going to sell tickets to an arena while having the relegation match against Nigma,” Puppey said jokingly in the interview.

Team Secret’s recent victory was a breath of fresh air as they were facing instant relegation should they lose the match. They managed to be composed and defeat ITB to secure themselves another lifeline to stay in Division I.

However, their match against Nigma would prove to be difficult as it was a life-or-death situation for both teams.

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