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Arteezy: Europe is Ahead of Other Regions


Arteezy, even with his loyalty and championing of the NA Dota scene, confirmed in an interview that Europe is ahead of other regions.

Although Arteezy had spent the majority of his career in North America, he would still look abroad for practices. This was reflected when he was answering panels questions on his team’s scrimmaging partner.

Arteezy confirmed that Shopify Rebellion was scrimmaging teams from Europe, ever since the region itself was ahead of other regions.

While answering the Winner Interview, Arteezy was asked the question regarding Shopify Rebellion scrimmaging partners. The host was curious whether the team was scrimmaging with other regions’ teams as well. Zai himself confirmed that Liquid was scrimmaging with Arteezy’s team.

“I think there’s a lot of differences like the heroes with the Europe region. Meta heroes in Europe are a lot more different than NA.”

Arteezy continued by saying that other aspects of the game, down to the laning stage, were different as well.

“We scrim NA teams, SA teams, it’s a lot of different games down to the laning phase for every region.” Arteezy also felt that the team had to adjust due to this variety in scrimming partners. Many felt this would strengthen his team’s flexibility in both gameplay and drafts.

However, Arteezy also confirmed Europe’s current superiority over other regions due to its strengths.

“Europe is kind of ahead in every way, compared to NA and SA regions.”

Curiously, the legendary carry player did not mention other contested regions such as SEA and EEU.

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