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V1lat Reports VP To Russian Government

Dethan Dario

With the report of V1lat, VP is now in danger of getting imprisoned.

The controversy over the symbols of war that took place in the match between Outsiders and Mind Games is still not over. Recently, one of the well-known casters from the EEU region, namely V1lat, reignited the conflict by reporting VP to the Russian government.

Apparently, kicking Pure and forcing him to apologize for drawing war symbols is considered a crime in Russia.

V1lat tried to explain this via Twitter in Russian. He explained that previously, VP’s Pure, depicted the symbol of the Russian war “Z” in a match. After that, VP immediately forced Pure to apologize and also kicked him from the team.

As it turned out, what VP did was a crime in Russia. This, since the country has banned all protests about war and insulting the army.

With V1lat’s report, the entire VP organization could be threatened not only by being kicked out of the DPC, but also going to jail. This response has drawn criticism from Dota fans, but there are also those who support the current V1lat action. Some protested because they thought that V1lat’s action were unnecessary and quite mean-spirited.

With oligarchs who support the war tied to VP, many fans have retracted their support for the team.

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