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Playing in SEA is Horrible, Resolut1on Says

Dethan Dario

Even Resolut1on gets tilted while playing in SEA server!


The SEA server is very well known among pro players because of its very fast-paced gameplay and has its own meta. In fact, even Topson was tilted when he was playing on the SEA server, because it didn’t match his standard.

This time, another complaint came from one of the former pro players from Russia, Resolut1on, who was in Indonesia and playing in SEA.

While streaming on Twitch, Resolut1on saw some of the comments from its viewers, and tries to answer them. One of these questions was about his experience playing on the SEA server so far.

“Experience in SEA? It’s like picking up a big bucket…” Resolut1on replied to the viewer.

“A bucket full of sh*t, and you pour it into yourself.” he continued in frustration.

This happened after he lost because his Tiny carry could not play well at all. Several other pro players, such as Topson, also complained about the skill level that he considered low while playing on the SEA server.


Of course, this will be interesting as TI11 will be held in Singapore, and the pro players will need to practice in SEA server.

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