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Primal Beast Has The Lowest Winrate!

Dethan Dario

Unlike Marci, Primal Beast who became a new hero in patch 7.31 has the smallest winrate, only at 40%! Too weak?

Primal Beast

Many fans were initially very excited about using a new hero because they are usually quite strong when released. However, what they got was not the Aghanim Labyrinth boss. Primal Beast can only get a fairly small win rate, which is 40%, in the entire bracket.

Because of the difficult playstyle, or is it a very underpowered hero, unlike Marci?

Through Dotabuff, this latest hero’s win rate almost touched 30%. With a pick rate that is also very low, Primal Beast only won 40% of the games for patch 7.31. Many players have also asked Primal Beasts to get quite a lot of buffs.

Dota 2 7.31 patch welcomes Primal Beast

There has been some discussion about why the hero can’t win consistently. However, there is one pattern that looks very clear.

Primal Beast is a lane dominator hero who can get kills up to 5-7 in the first 10 minutes. With a lane partner who can slow/stun, the hero can dominate until the enemy has to move to the jungle.

Primal Beast

However, its strength only ends there. He needs a fast BKB so that his ultimate can run without being disturbed. In fact, he is also easy to kite if the enemy knows how to avoid his skills. Therefore, Primal Beast still needs some buffs to be able to be played in any bracket.

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