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Fans Protest Arcana Tied to Battle Pass

Vberni Regalado

Many protested Valve’s decision because they made Arcana always dependent on the Battle Pass, such as Arcana’s Specter.

Arcana Battle Pass

Lately, Valve has always included Arcana in the Battle Pass (BP), which requires a very high price for us to get. For example, we need more than 100$ to unlock the Windranger Arcana on previous BP. And a more recent example, Arcana for Specter costs more or less the same.

With rumors that the Drow Ranger Arcana will be released, many are protesting Valve’s decision about the BP-dependent Arcana.

This trend started when Arcana for IO was at a high level for the 2017 Battle Pass. Roughly, people at that time had to spend around 150$ in levels if they weren’t diligent about climbing the BP level. At that time, Dota 2 players thought that an arcana like this would only exist for BP 2017 only.

However, as time goes by, there are more BP-locked Arcana, such as BP 2019 for the Earthshaker Arcana. And continues to happen in BP 2020 for many arcanas such as the Skeleton King and Queen of Pain.

One user on Reddit lamented this trend because the Arcana has practically become very expensive. If they usually can be bought for around 35$, now they have to pay more than 100$. Therefore, many are expecting, especially on Reddit, for Valve to return the Arcana purchase scheme to its original state.

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