TI EU Qualifier: Goonsquad Send Nigma to Lower Bracket Route


Goonsquad causes an upset after beating Nigma Galaxy in The International 11 WEU Upper Bracket, while others perform well.

The start of TI11 EU Qualifier was blasted with an upset happening early in the qualifier. Nigma Galaxy, one of the teams expected to perform well, got knocked into the Lower Bracket by Goonsquad.

With this result, Nigma now have to survive the Lower Bracket since they will be facing a minimum of 5 Lower Bracket rounds.

The first game of Goonsquad against Nigma was a sign of things to come, with Goonsquad dominating the game. Goonsqud managed to pick up one of the strongest carries right now, Faceless Void, and dominated all phases of the game.

Mind_ContRoL underperformance with Beastmaster affected Nigma’s momentum within the game. Goonsquad won the first game within 45 minutes.

Nigma strikes back in the second game with an unusual draft that caught Goonsquad off guard. With Io and Spectre, Nigma’s global presence was stifling Goonsquad’s farming spots.

With the unique set of heroes, Nigma went on to take the second game within the 35th minute of the game.

Nigma almost replicated the same result for their third game, with the gold lead in their favor for 35 minutes of the game. However, a disastrous team fight at the T2 of Nigma’s tower happened which caught Sumail and Mind_ContRoL.

Sumail, who was caught with dieback, enabled Goonsquad to take the Roshan and snowballs from that momentum. Goonsquad went on to win the third game in the 43rd minute, knocking Nigma into the Lower Bracket.

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