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Tiada V33Wise! Blacklist International Mendedahkan Senarai Kumpulan MPL PH Musim 12


Blacklist International telah mengumumkan susunan pemainnya untuk Musim 12 MPL PH, dengan ketiadaan yang mencolok dari dua pemain utama.

Pengumuman susunan rasmi pasukan di Facebook menyatakan bahawa Johnmar “OhMyV33nus” Villaluna dan Danerie “Wise” Del Rosario akan mengambil rehat untuk musim ini.

Keputusan ini berikutan spekulasi bahawa pasangan ini akan berehat selepas gagal mengekalkan kejuaraan MPL PH dan kalah kepada ONIC Esports di MSC 2023.

Menyusul kepergian sementara mereka, Renejay “Renejay” Barcase akan mengambil alih posisi roam permulaan, sementara bekas jungler ONIC PH, Stephen “Sensui” Castillo, akan mengambil peranan jungler pasukan.

The lineup will also feature skilled players Edward “EDWARD” Dapadap, alongside the return of Kiel “OHEB” Soriano and Salic “Hadji” Imam.

Remarkably, Coach Kristoffer “BON CHAN” Ricaplaza will rejoin the main squad following a hiatus from the previous season.

This isn’t the first occasion where the duo has chosen to take a break; they previously took time off during Season 9 after their victory in the M3 World Championship.

Furthermore, this season carries special importance, as the grand finalists will have the privilege to represent the region in the upcoming M5 World Championship.

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