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Andhika Pratama Says He Wants Polygamy in Front of His Wife

Vberni Regalado

Andhika Pratama suddenly stirred up netizens by asking Ussy Sulistiawaty permission to remarry. The permission to practice polygamy was conveyed right on the 8th anniversary of their marriage. Andhika said that when he became a polygamist, he would be fair to both Ussy and his new wife.

Ussy Sulistiawaty, who heard the question from Andhika, immediately reacted with annoyance and took off her heels right in front of her husband’s face. Ussy also said that she would divorce Andhika if her husband intended to remarry.

After investigating, it turned out that the statement from Andhika Pratama was one of the questions on the Okay Bos Trans 7 television program. In the event, Andhika and Ussy were required to take turns reading questions to their partners. One of Andhika’s questions to Ussy is what if Andhika decides to remarry and can be fair to Ussy and his new wife.

Raffi Ahmad and Gading Marten as the hosts of the event helped ease Ussy’s resentment. Gading even said that if Andhika was caught cheating, he would be divorced, especially if he remarried. The couple who are known to have 5 children are often seen as harmonious by netizens. Therefore, Andhika’s question clearly shocked the +62 residents because they did not expect Andhika to ask such a question.

Gading also said that Ivory, who is currently a widower, should have remarried instead of Andhika. Raffi Ahmad also said that getting married to one person is already complicated, and even crazier with two people at the same time.

Indeed, in Andhika and Ussy’s marriage, there is an agreement between the two which explains that there cannot be a third person in their relationship. For both of them, there are three things in the agreement that cannot be tolerated, namely adultery, domestic violence and big lies. Both stated that there would be no door to forgiveness if these three things were done.

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