YapzOr Picks Wings Gaming as His Favorite TI Championship Team


Yazied “YapzOr” Jaradat has revealed his favorite team to have won a The International trophy, and his explanation actually makes a lot sense.

After taking a break from competitive play due to health issues, YapzOr is slowly returning back to form and has been streaming Dota 2 lately on Twitch. In one of his streams, he was asked who is his favorite team to have won Dota 2’s most prestigious title.

Without hesitation, he answered that his favorite is TI6 winner Wings Gaming.

“Wings goddamn Dota, for sure,” he said. “I think that team would make even a fucking AI confused with their hero pool and strategies” 

Back then, Wings Gaming was a rising Chinese team recognized for its inventive tactics and wide range of hero options.

Although some fans saw them as unpredictable and somewhat inconsistent in some tournaments, their performance at the International 6 in 2016 showcased their superiority when they defeated Digital Chaos in the grand finals.

Unfortunately, the team’s success was short-lived due to several internal conflicts, leading to their disbandment in 2017.

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