Quinn Abandons High Level Game In SEA Server


Quinn hilariously abandoned a high-level game in SEA which involved Ame, Matumbaman, and bzm. All because of him getting first blooded.

Another incident for NA players who played at SEA server to bootcamp happened, this time to Quinn. Although he was playing in a stacked game with numerous pros, he decided to quit after getting first-blooded.

As such, the 10,000 MMR game had to be broken up even when things got exciting.

At first, the game began with many carry players stuck in one team. Radiant had Ame, Yuragi, and Matumbaman playing in one team, with Ame ultimately getting the carry role. On the other hand, Quinn played with Jacky and Kuku on Dire.

As the game started, it was bound to be an exciting high-level game to observe.

However, it all came apart from the first minute when Quinn got drawn for firstblood. While playing as Primal Beast, he couldn’t keep up with Bryle’s Batrider in the middle lane, giving up CS and lane control.

After getting first-blooded at the 1st minute, Quinn immediately raged abandon and left the high-level game.

Fans’ reactions varied in favor, and against Quinn’s decision to abandon the game in the early minutes. Some of them mocked Quinn’s mentality and implied that Quinn would never have the mental fortitude to win a big tournament.

However, there were also opinions that claimed Quinn abandoned since he felt the game was already hopeless due to an imbalance in the teams’ composition.

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