Best and Worst Heroes of Patch 7.32


Patch 7.32 saw a lot of changes among numerous heroes, and here are the best and the worst of them. Marci getting the nerf hammer!

Two days have passed since the release of Patch 7.32, and new heroes have been discovered as the best. However, the opposite also happened, with fan favorites seeing a huge drop in win rate after the patch.

Here are two of the best and the worst heroes in Patch 7.32, picked by Hyprgame.

Best Two Heroes – Ogre Magi & Clinkz

Ogre Magi became one of the best heroes in the new patch thanks to these changes. At first, player might thought that these changes made Ogre Magi less viable in the new patch.

However, thanks to his new Base Damage, he can now trade more efficiently in terms of creep kills. Ogre can now even lane as a core, either midlaner or offlaner, thanks to his 70+ base damage.

Clinkz also became one of the best heroes thanks to the changes he received for his Burning Barrage. As one of his main farming ability, Burning Barrage can now shoot 6 arrows at any level, instead of scaling up from 3.

This change made Clinkz able to farm the jungle from the earliest phase of the game, once he got his Javelin. With the new fast farming speed, Clinkz can now snowball faster and recover from a bad laning phase easily.

Two Worst Heroes – Marci & Nature’s Prophet

Marci became one of the heroes with low winrate thanks to the recent changes to her skills. Her dispose now only slows instead of stunning, while the stun component gets moved to Rebound.

There were also numerous other changes to her ultimate. But with the biggest one being the Rebound changes, Marci players need to readapt their whole playstyle.

At first glance, the changes to Nature’s Prophet can be deemed as small. However, since his previous Aghanim Shard was one of the best shard in the game, now it was one of the worst.

Although it seems to be strong at first glance, the requirement for trees and Treants for the ability to do damage made the ability unreliable.

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