Biggest Item Changes in Dota 2’s Patch 7.32


Valve finally dropped the highly-sought Patch 7.32 in Dota 2 with many significant changes. Many items were changed, BKB and Refresher nerf, in particular.

Items have always been an integral part of Dota 2, and patches always change them to a degree. It seems the newest patch, 7.32, is now more focused on nerfing and introducing new items to the meta.

In particular, Double BKBs meta with Refresher Orb seems to be nerfed, while other items such as Mekansm are more viable.

The biggest nerfs to the items would be to the current double BKB meta that frustrates the players. Spellcasters couldn’t fully utilize their controls such as Stun and Slows due to these items.

With the heavy manacost increase, players would have to think twice before getting Refresher with BKBs.

One of the biggest buffs would be Mekansm, which is now cheaper and its cooldown decreased by 15 seconds. The changes made the item more viable to be bought at early game to enable early pushes.

It was also noted that more mid heroes could also buy the item to snowball from their lanes. Heroes such as Razor, Queen of Pain, and even Underlord can lane mid and get a fast Mekansm to enable their team.

New Neutral Items Arrive in Patch 7.32

There were also hosts of new neutral items such as Seeds of Serenity, Lance of Pursuit, Occult Bracelet, Eye of the Vizier, Specialist’s Array, Dagger of Ristul, and Ogre Seal Totem. The most notable new item would be Ogre Seal Totem, which enables mobility and initiation at the same time.

Heroes such as Tidehunter, Sandking, and Primal Beast would be favorites to wear the item.

However, there were also numerous neutral items that were removed, with some of them being big. Chipped Vest, Keen Optic, Ocean Heart, Essence Ring, Fae Grenade, and Quicksilver Amulet were some of the removed items. Spider Legs and The Leveller were also removed, bringing a limited amount of Tier 3 currently.

Both Ex Machina and Mirror Shield were also nerfed, with heavy manacost for Ex Machina and an additional cooldown of 4 seconds for Mirror Shield.

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