Team Spirit CEO: We Do Not Represent Russia


In one of the interviews, the CEO of Team Spirit confirmed that they would not be representing Russia in any esports branch.

Previously, Team Spirit received an invitation to the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian government, as a token of appreciation from the country to them. The achievement they achieved was their victory at TI10, which even earned the appreciation of the president, Vladimir Putin.

However, the organization does not seem to appreciate Russia’s attack on Ukraine, and distanced itself from the country. In fact, they moved headquarters to Belgrade, Serbia.

In an interview, the CEO of Team Spirit, Nikita “Cheshir” Chukalin, explained their reasons for moving domicile to Serbia. They initially reasoned that there were factors such as logistics and geography that required them to move from Russia.

However, when asked about what country Team Spirit will represent, he chose to avoid the question.

He reasoned that no tournament required them to play with the flag of any country. The CEO also explained that in this era of globalization, he wants to create a global team regardless of country, race, or other identities.

However, he also explained that they will always associate themselves with Russian-speaking people. It seems the CEO wants to emphasize that they represent people who speak and culture Russian, not the Russian state itself.

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