Comeback? Trash Nigma Galaxy Delivers Liquid’s First DPC Loss


‘Trash’ Nigma appears to be regaining its foot!

(c) WePlay AniMajor

The new powerhouse team Team Liquid just faced a disappointing defeat after losing against the ‘trash’, Nigma Galaxy.

Nigma’s team captain Kuro “KuroKy” Salehi Takhasomi made himself known once more after making some favorable draftings. This, despite him making some questionable ones ahead of this win.

Nigma versus Liquid DPC WEU Division 1 Recap

Team Nigma Galaxy appeared with confidence in game one after drafting a mid Doom, safelane Queen of Pain, and an offlane Spirit Breaker. The drafting appeared to be really confident as the heroes were snow-ball reliant.

Despite not getting any early kills, the team banked on their push potential which they capitalized on. Making things problematic for Liquid, Nigma also had a Treant on iNSaNia making it hard for Liquid to equalize.

Although the team had an early advantage, the veteran Miracle- made a rare mistake. The superstar accidentally blinked in with his QOP without popping his BKB. Liquid was able to capitalize on the mistake, sending Miracle- to a timer without a buyback. Risking on a GG push, the squad tried to go straight to the ancient, ending the game 42-minutes in.

In game two, Kuroky tried to deviate from the current meta for their draft. The veteran captain picked a Juggernaut carry for the team and a Bloodseeker for their offlane.

Surprisingly, the team played their off-meta heroes to perfection, keeping up with their early aggression up to the late game. With Liquid failing to retaliate, Nigma took their revenge 32-minutes in.

The third game of the series appeared to be a spotlight show for MinD_ContRoL himself. The world-class offlaner popped off with his Outworld Destroyer who topped the networth chart mostly in the game. With his efficient farming, the team took a replay of their game two, shaking Team Liquid with their confidence up to the end of the game.

The try-hard Liquid surrendered their fighting chance after 35 minutes of the game.

With this surprising performance from Nigma, it shows that the team is not out of contention as of yet. Together with their win, the squad’s Major appearance seems to be more viable should they take down COOLGUYS on the 15th.

Meanwhile, Liquid did not sweat their defeat as they have already secured a spot for the Major.

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