Top 5 Aghanim Labyrinth Heroes For Grinding


For those of you who are stuck at Magician/Apprentice, here are 5 heroes that are suitable for grinding Aghanim Labyrinth and leveling up your BP!

It’s been 1 week since Aghanim Labyrinth came out and made Dota players return to the labyrinth. However, the new heroes that players can use in the second version of Aghanim Labyrinth look a little complex. Traditional heroes like Juggernaut and Drow Ranger are certainly easier for players to use.

Here is a list of 5 top Aghanim heroes that you can use to go to a higher level!

5. Juggernaut – Beginner Hero

Juggernaut is a fairly easy hero and can do a lot of damage. However, make sure you take all Blade Fury talents, because magical damage is more stronger in the Labyrinth than physical damage. Items that you can make to build magic damage are: Boots -> Bloodstone -> Octarine -> Kaya & Yasha

4. Viper – DPS Hero & Tank

Viper is one of the heroes that you need to unlock. However, if you managed to get him, Viper is one of the strongest heroes for the Labyrinth. You just need to get the Nethertoxin talent, and Viper Strike talent that can hit allies to give Movement Speed. The build is more or less the same as Juggernaut, which are Bloodstone, Octarine, and Kaya & Yasha.

3. Bane – Hero Complex, Can Solo!

Maybe Bane’s inclusion on this list is quite strange because his skills are mostly single target, however, if you get the right talent, Bane can even solo Final Boss in the Labyrinth! The talents are Shared Torment for Enfeeble and Nyctasha’s Congregation for Nightmare.

These two talents make small enemies attack each other, and make room clear very easy.

2. Phoenix – Main Hero #2

If you often play Aghanim Labyrinth, you must also often see Phoenix. This hero can damage, heal, and even control with Supernova. Make sure you take the talent for Fire Spirit which can make small Phoenixes breathing out flames, and the labyrinth will be easy.

1. Undying – Hero #1 Aghanim

If you want to win the Labyrinth, Undying is one of the heroes that you must pick. Decay Talent that can be multi-casted and also Zombies from Tombstone make it easy for you to clear rooms. Don’t forget the talent that can give Taunt effect in Soul Rip, you must take it if you can, because that talent will most likely make you auto-win the Labyrinth by drawing the monsters aggro.

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