Aghanim Labyrinth 2.0 is Back!


Aghanim Labyrinth is back again, this time with the name “The Continuum Conundrum”! Ready to go in and beat the labyrinth again?

After rumors about the new Battle Pass and Aghanim Labyrinth, finally the second version has appeared! This time, it seems that Aghanim needs the help of Dota 2 players to save various versions of Aghanim. This happened because Aghanim accidentally turned on the device that made various versions of him come to the labyrinth.

This Labyrinth also comes with a Battle Pass that gives you lots of cosmetics, such as the Drow Ranger’s Arcana and the Mirana’s Persona. To get it, you can buy the level directly, or grind it by playing Aghanim Labyrinth or the Cavern Crawl. Apparently, the difficulty level is a bit easier to make new players more interested in the event.

The EG team has even played this game mode and won it in one play. Looking at the gameplay, it looks like the maze this time is indeed easier when compared to the previous version. However, there are many new bosses and new stages which will definitely make players need to adapt again.

Moreover, there are many new heroes that we can use in the maze, such as Void Spirit and Dawnbreaker. Time to enter the labyrinth to save Aghanim!

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