Illaoi’s Return? LoL Reveals Buffs in Patch 12.4


Will this be a chance for Illaoi’s glorious return?

League of Legends (LoL) has finally announced its plans for patch 12.4, and it will be a roller coaster ride.

Riot Phlox, LoL’s designer, told that many champions will be getting some buffs and nerfs. Phlox tweeted that the next patch will be a massive change for Aatrox, Sett, and Illaoi.

“Patch Preview for 12.4! Some pretty fun buffs and nerfs coming through, any champs we missed? As an aside, we’re still watching fighter items to see if they need any adjustments but there’s nothing immediate there,” read his tweet together with a photo listing the heroes receiving buffs and nerfs.

Although the update is yet to be detailed, Aatrox got a full disclosure regarding his changes. Aatrox has been on everyone’s recent games, Sett on the other hand fell from his high pedestal.

Meanwhile, Illaoi’s presence appeared to have dwindled down recently. She came in strong in the past with her supreme prowess but seemed to have become a mere ‘random’ hero.

In Platinum rank, Illaoi is currently ranked as the fifth-worst hero.

In history, the game’s jungle has had an invasion of magic heroes. But recently, things shifted, especially in the Mid-Season Invitational.

Now, everything may take a trip down memory lane with buffs on Rumble and Amumu.

Which heroes do you think had the best wins and worst losses in this patch? Nevertheless, the patch is definitely coming down on February 16!

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