Crazy Rich Malang Lends Private Jet to Raffi Ahmad So He’ll Avoid the Hassle


When the government began to enforce the homecoming restriction again, Raffi Ahmad and his family could go to Malang, East Java casually. The reason is because Raffi Ahmad, Nagita Slavina, Rafathar, and some of their assistants went by a private plane!

This private plane belongs to Gilang Widya Pramana, who is known as Crazy Rich Malang. Gilang is the owner of MS Glow, a beauty clinic in Indonesia. Initially, Raffi would go with his private vehicle. However, Gilang lent his plane for Raffi and his entourage’s transportation. Raffi himself went to Malang for filming and work, and then will continue to Bali after that.

Raffi and Nagita documented their journey from home, to the airport, and to the Crazy Rich Malang’s house on their YouTube video entitled ‘Raffi Nagita Rafathar Went to Malang, Picked Up by Private Jet! Luxury!’.

Raffi and Nagita documented their journey from home, to the airport, and to the Crazy Rich Malang’s house on their YouTube video entitled ‘Raffi Nagita Rafathar Went to Malang, Picked Up by Private Jet! Luxury!’.

Raffi admitted that this is not the first time he has learned about Gilang’s private jet because he had reviewed Gilang’s plane. He said the plane was indeed purchased by Gilang at a fantastic price.

Raffi and his entourage flew from Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport in East Jakarta, then landed at Juanda Airport in Surabaya. When they landed, they had to take another trip to Malang. In the video, it turns out that Nagita not only shows Gilang’s private jet facilities, but also shows Gilang’s luxury home.

After Raffi left for Batu, East Java, Nagita and Rafathar were invited to do home tour with Gilang’s wife. Raffi’s group will stay at rooms near Gilang’s swimming pool. Raffi and his group will stay in Malang until 19 May 2021, then will continue to Bali to see the RANS soccer team’s training.

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