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33 Popularizes New ‘Immortal’ Offlane Razor Build


33 yet again pioneered another build for heroes in the offlane ever since winning TI11, this time with an ‘immortal’ offlane Razor.

Players in public matches recently had been encountering a very powerful new hero from offlane. Although it was not in the Ammar’s “offlane carry” Razor style, 33’s invention had another way to play the hero.

Utilizing the Aghanim Shard and the powerful Bloodstone active, Razor has become immortal and unkillable from the offlane.

The hero himself only got negligible buffs from the recent 7.32d patch. However, it was enough for 33 to do his “invention,” with builds that no other players had thought of before.

With the common way of playing Razor as a physical core, it came as a surprise when he was found to be “tanky”.

The build itself had the laser focus of getting a quick Bloodstone and Aghanim Shard from the offlane. Razor could naturally dominate the offlane with his Static Link, giving him a free laning stage with a semi-decent support.

The item and the Shard’s passive gave him a huge opportunity to recover health with steady magical damage.

33 amplified this build further by having his Razor purchase tanky items. Pipe of Insight or Eternal Shroud and Shiva’s Guard became the main priority for the tanky offlaner. Those items enabled Razor to further tank the spells and help his team in teamfights.

With the new Razor becoming popular in public games, players had been crying out for nerfs on both Razor and Bloodstone.

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