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Thunder Awaken’s Pandaboo Face Racism in Arlington Major


Thunder Awaken’s hard support, Pandaboo, received racism while he was in Texas for the Arlington Major.

Although the event was supposed to showcase the city’s hospitality, the experience proven to be different. Pandaboo, one of Thunder Awaken’s player, explained on Twitter that he had experienced racism while he was there.

From the context of his tweet, it was unclear whether he experienced it while he was in his hotel, or at the event.

Pandaboo took to Twitter his story about the racist attack he suffered while he was traveling around. According to translation, he experienced it while he was going through common areas and elevators:

How ugly it feels to be discriminated against when I go through common areas or in the elevator for the simple fact of speaking Spanish

Fans familiar with the city expressed no surprise given the situation of the city itself. It seems Texas was well-known for being “less accepting” towards foreigners, and wouldn’t hesitate to express hostility towards them.

However, it seems Pandaboo himself wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with racism, as he racially attacked one of NA players himself.

A Reddit thread in the past exposed Pandaboo’s racial attack against other player in North America. The target of his attack was Jubei, one of well-known NA Dota player.

However, fans also reacted that it does not justify the racial attack that Pandaboo suffered himself.

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