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Black Gets VAC Ban Due To Smurfing


One of former professional player and current analyst, Black, gets VAC ban since he was smurfing on-stream.

Although his name currently is not relevant anymore, older players known how good Black was. During his peak, he played with legendary teams such as VG with Fy and iceiceice.

However, now he had fallen into obscurity that he streams on smurfs, and finally getting banned for it.

At first, Black tried to calibrate his smurf and got exactly 1500 MMR, putting him in the Guardian rank. His smurfing tendency caught the attention of fans, which complained in public forums such as Reddit.

The thread gained traction and became one of example why smurfing is harmful to the game.

One of the fans elaborated that Black tried to justify his smurfing tendency due to reasons. He claimed that his main account had gotten into the “shadow pool”, and was unable to find any games.

The justification irks some people who simply asked him to either stop playing, or try to get out of LP without smurfing. There were also opinions that his smurfing tendency had become destructive instead of recreational or even educational.

Consequently, Black main account got VAC banned, and he is now unable to use his main account at all. Fans reacted positively to the ban, and hoped that this served as a lesson for those who tried to smurf.

However, there are still many smurfs by pro players that left untouched, and fans asked Valve to address those smurfs too in the near future.

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