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Topson Explains Why Quas-Wex Invoker is Weak


As an expert in Invoker, Topson explains how a certain playstyle of the hero now is weak due to reasons. One being the “regen meta”.

Fans already knows the prowess of Invoker in the hands of Topson, as he’s quite famous for the hero. He breaks into the scene as one of the top Invoker players, and uses a certain hyper-aggresive playstyle.

However, recently he complained that the playstyle is no longer viable due to the current meta.

Topson initially answers a question from his viewer who asks about Invoker’s place in the current meta. Topson starts by saying that the hero, using the QW build, does not win lanes anymore.

He also reasons that Invoker’s spells are now basically “meh” and the playstyle does not really farm.

Topson continues by saying that those are already “huge problems” for the hero.

“He used to be a good laner, before there’s this “infinite regen” meta right now for everybody, since everyone have sustained,” Topson told.

The legendary midlaner elaborated further by saying that the “water” rune makes the hero obsolete right now. It gives the opponent midlaner a chance to recover even after getting EMP and Tornado combo.

“And then you also have the supports refilling your bottle, tower regen protection, and so on…”

It seems Topson does not really like the current meta mechanics which protects the midlaner from total stomp. The former OG player looks to utilize lane domination as his playstyle, which currently isn’t the norm anymore.

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