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Counter Magnus With These Heroes!

Vberni Regalado

TI10 has ended, however, its effects are still felt in the pubs with the popularity of Magnus.


Here are the heroes who can counter Magnus!

Counter Magnus with Tiny

Counter broken heroes like Magnus with broken heroes too. Tiny has a 51% win rate, with the 6th popularity position in Dotabuff. In the early game, if Tiny plays as a carry, he can burst Magnus with large damage. If partnered with a strong 5th position, like the hero we will discuss next, Tiny can make Magnus suffer on lane and not have a big impact. Not to mention that Tiny’s farming speed is fast enough to end the game before Magnus goes crazy. However, don’t forget the Horn Toss – Skewer combo that can make you out of position, like Sumail!

Counter Magnus with Jakiro

Jakiro is one of the most powerful and reliable support positions in 5 position to bully enemy’s opponent. Magnus depends highly on levels, and can’t stand if his laning phase is interrupted. Jakiro itself has a 53% win rate with 33rd popularity. Also, all of his skills can make Magnus really uncomfortable while playing. For example, Dual Breath provides DPS which slows Magnus and unable to use Blink Dagger. Then, Ice Path can also be used to stop the Horn Toss – Skewer Magnus combo. If played correctly, a Jakiro can make Magnus have no game.

Phoenix will also do!

Phoenix is ​​one of the heroes that can make Magnus dizzy. Actually, this hero is not very popular, with a win rate of 47% and a popularity of 98th. However, the skills are very annoying for the offlane hero if used properly. Fire Spirit can make Magnus’ laning phase difficult and cancel his Blink Dagger. Sun Ray also deals quite a lot of damage to Strength heroes like Magnus. The Icarus Dive + Supernova combo can also damage Magnus’ successful Reverse Polarity combo.

Try Night Stalker

Want to know what’s most important to Magnus? Vision, to execute his combo. What Night Stalker do in every game? Taking away vision from the enemy, of course! Night Stalker now has a 52% win rate, although it’s not very popular with 72nd place. However, this hero can counter Magnus when played correctly. Magnus players who already know how to play would be very dependent on vision to execute their combo. With Night Stalker, you can block one of the crucial components for a successful Magnus. Not to mention the skills like Crippling Fear which requires Magnus to buy BKB.

And last but not the least… Rubick

Rubick can be classified as one of the deadliest counters for Magnus. For those of you who watch TI10, you’ll know why Rubick is the strongest counter to Magnus. Rubick is now at a fairly small win rate at 45% and is popular at 17th position. Instant Telekinesis can instantly make Magnus who tries to combo gets lifted and be killed by your team. Not to mention there is a potential counter-initiate with Spell Steal that can take Reverse Polarity and even Skewer from Magnus. However, it takes skill and solid positioning before you can counter Magnus with Rubick. You also have to be able to predict when Magnus will do a combo during a teamfight. So, don’t forget to practice at Unranked first with your friends, alright?

Those are 5 hero counters for Magnus which we think can help you get MMR against him. If you have other opinions, let us know in the comments!

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