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One House, Separate Rooms: Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina Not Sleeping Together Anymore. Getting Divorced?

Vberni Regalado

Two months ago, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina announced the happy news that they are pregnant. However, on the Trans Tv Official YouTube channel, Raffi Ahmad revealed that he and Gigi were actually sleeping in separate rooms. What happened?

Raffi said Gigi was even reluctant to look at her face. His wife recently seemed hostile towards him. Initially Gigi said that Raffi smelled so he didn’t want to go near him and told Raffi to stay away.

Currently Gigi is acting up again because she doesn’t want to see her husband’s face. Raffi said Gigi was easily annoyed when he had to look at Raffi’s face. According to Raffi, this is due to Gigi’s pregnancy hormone, which makes Gigi sensitive to whatever Raffi does.

Gigi, who is annoyed to see Raffi’s face, even has the heart to kick Raffi out of his own room. Raffi was forced to sleep in another room with green nuances and a different space from his wife.

At night, Raffi often feels homesick for his wife, but he cannot meet him. Likewise with the baby who was in Gigi’s womb whom she used to talk to. In order to treat homesickness, Raffi even decided to make a video call with Gigi.

Gigi lifted her face curtly, telling Raffi not to show his face. According to Gigi this annoyed him. Raffi only did istigfar when he heard his wife’s words.

Raffi revealed that Nagita’s pregnancy this time was different from when she was pregnant with Rafathar Malik Ahmad. When she was pregnant with Rafathar, Gigi was not sensitive like now and even tends to act tomboyish like a thug. In this pregnancy, Gigi tends to be more fussy, sensitive and wants to stay away from Raffi. In addition, Raffi also revealed that because of her pregnancy, Gigi slept more often.

Inevitably, Gigi’s pregnancy this time made Raffi dizzy and confused. Hopefully Raffi will be able to withstand Gigi in the next seven months until she gives birth.

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