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Coated Suddenly Disappeared from Team Secret’s Lineup

Vberni Regalado

Recently, the gaming community is confused about the news that Coated suddenly disappeared from the lineup of Team Secret members.

Coated is known as a toplaner. He had a great performance last year. However, when he entered the Spring of 2021, he seemed to have lost himself. People can no longer clearly see the silhouette of Coated that was once highly regarded as one of the best toplaners in the VCS region.

During the days when VCS is on break, transfer information is the top concern of the Vietnamese League of Legends community. The first shots were fired, with coach Archie leaving the CERBERUS Esports team, and will almost certainly join Team Secret – the team that finished 3rd at VCS Spring 2021.

During the days when VCS is on break, transfer information is the top concern of the Vietnamese League of Legends community. The first shots were fired, with coach Archie leaving the CERBERUS Esports team, and will almost certainly join Team Secret – the team that finished 3rd at VCS Spring 2021.

But one thing that made the community extremely surprised was that the best toplaner of Team Secret – Coated no longer appeared in the list of TS members. Currently, the composition of TS only has Nagiya as the official toplaner and a substitute player Jarvis.

Coated’s leaving caused a lot of controversy in the community. Some of it has to do with whether Coated will be under the SBTC Esports shirt when he is a talented toplaner and especially SE is lacking the top lane position after the penalty for Zeros.

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