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League Patch 11.10 Drops Nerf Hammer; Hurts Darius, Jinx, and Talon

Dethan Dario

Riot Games may have been on the look out in the previous patch.

 Mark “Scruffy” Yetter, gameplay design director for League of Legends through his Twitter posted a summary of the latest 11.10 patch for the League which has dropped some buffs, and nerfs on certain heroes. This, although it will just be tentative.

In the overall gameplay, items such as Riftmaker, Abyssal Mask, Guinsoo’s Rageblade, and Goredrinker will be buffed. Although Riot will be putting a nerf on Phase Rush. Aside from this, some heroes will also be nerfed to balance the game.

LoL patch 11.10 notes: release date, PBE leaks, buffs & nerfs, balance  changes - Dexerto

Darius, Jinx, and Talon are on the top of those heroes will get nerfed as these three have been dominating the game for quite some time now with their overpowered kit. In the previous patch, Darius had a whopping 51.62% win rate in the Platinum rank, something that the League had a keen eye on and had bestowed a nerf on his basic stats, and his passive which already got a nerf in patch 11.2.

Jinx had a zero to hero story as her previous buff made her shine and shoot through the top of the meta. Jinx had a 52.35% win rate in the Platinum rank and above. Being equipped with a Kraken Slayer, the hero may become an absolute beast and may slay opponents in mere seconds. In the upcoming patch, developers may want to put a cap on her attack speed to topple down her Bring It Down passive that much.

Patch 11.10 Bot lane changes: Jinx, Thresh, and Bard are getting nerfs  while Zyra and Yuumi getting buffs | GameRiv

A skyrocketing 52% win rate is currently under Talon’s belt for the high ranks. An absolute ‘imbalance’ that did not escape the nerf hammer as the hero may receive a nerf on his burst to provide escape possibilities for squishy heroes.

Galio, Thresh, Bard, and Katarina will also be on the same nerf-list while Irelia, Kennen, Kayle, Lux, and Zyra will meet them in the other side as these heroes will be on the buff-list.

Patch 11.10 League of Legends - Release Date, Patch Notes

Although this much is already revealed, Riot says that the possible changes are still vulnerable to changes as they are still tentative and might receive some slight adjustments as soon as it hits the game.

According to the official page of League of Legends, Patch 11.10 will be dropped on May 12, Wednesday.

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